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Chapter 136 - Aragarian Report 2 (Volume 3 Auxillary )

Exalted Presider,

This file holds all the stories and theories we have about the Lost Primordial and why his existence is believed to have made an influence on planet Earth.


The Lost Primordial

Stories about the Lost Primordial are very vague even among Presiders. Little or no information is accessible about their history, who they were, what transpired during the Prime Wars and if any of their descendants still reside in our country.

The Lost Primordials and the Changes in our Society

The Lost Primordial may refer to a group or one individual person. Everyone who sided with the Lost Primordial are often classified as Lost Primordials however, history suggests that in terms of power, only one person had the strength to be called a Lost Primordial. He was believed to be the last survivor of a group of people belonging to the same classification of those who are currently Planted of our era. It was said that these group of Aragarians are the reason for the strict implementation of passing down technology in our society and the diversification of our educational system.

At that time, since equality was among the Techno-Ethical values, Planted were more ambitious and demanding to be granted more technologies regardless of how lacking these groups have contributed to the development and continued growth of society, that mindset fueled these group to feel jealous and envious.

It was this culture that encouraged them to try to claim more technologies and rise up quickly through the ranks in order to gain access to technologies equal to Presiders. It is also for this reason, that the passing down of technologies, unless due to impressive contribution to our society, has to be gained within a span of decades. A person can only gain one technological advancement one rank from his current rank and only once can it be granted for every decade. This is to make these Aragarians be capable of adjusting and learn the techno-ethical responsibilities that accompany their new techs.

These groups of Planted schemed and even took advantage of those on the higher groups and even managed to seduce, manipulate or even possibly blackmail these groups. Soon, the rise to power was imminent as more and more people were gathering in their teams.

As even those on the levels of being a Presider were supporting them in secret, the contribution points they amassed were so fast that they developed several technologies through the combination of several techs coming from Presiders. This is also why those at the rank of Presiders and those above them have to pick a technological path and cannot acquire a technology different from their Path easily. This is why, to much ire of many Presiders such as your distinguished self, divergent technologies can only be acquired once a century and has to go through the examination of several Aragarians a rank higher than them.

It was said that these groups managed to gain immense contribution at the defeat of the Babelian armies at that time. Through the contributions that several Presiders and Pioneers and countless Planteds, they elected one leader among the Pioneers, who was the one we would later call the Lost Primordial, to be the first of the Principal.

The rise of this Principal was said to have caused a great civil war because the other Principals resisted when they sensed that this new Principal was manipulating them.

Although most Principal\'s were guarded, the Presiders and Pioneers under him managed to amass more contributions allowing him to afford various divergent technologies. The reason why those under the Lost Primordial was so successful was due to the handing down and the open-access of technology that the Lost Primordial offered to those serving him.

This move later drew in more Presiders and Pioneers and almost every Planted who were not subservient to any other Pioneers and Presiders were joining this group.

It is also in this that the flaw of Presiders and Principal granting technological access of their subordinates have been discovered and adjusted on our era. As of now, unless three Primes approve, no Presider or Principal can even equip their Planteds with their own technologies. Although Presiders and Principals can use some of the rudimentary aspects of whatever technologies they have to grant healthcare support, equipping of basic weapons for battles and defensive purposes, as well as stellar exploration, passing down a device or object that contains more than the rudimentary technologies are illegal.

Other changes in our society were taken from the effects of the Prime Wars.

The Prime Wars

At the death of five Principals, the Lost Primordial managed to pilfer their techs and secretly combine all of them. It was believed that a Prime was manipulated by the Lost Primordial\'s schemes and secretly supported him covering up the fact that the Lost Primordial acquired three divergent techs from three Principals.

Although the rules for Principals and Primes on how the latter is prohibited from attacking weaker groups were in place the Lost Primordial managed to create secret bases unknown even to the Primes.

Secretly, through the use of his connections with a Prime who betrayed our race as well, the Lost Primordial managed to create techs that matched other Primes and even surpassed the technology of his secret sponsor.

It is later believed that the Lost Primordial betrayed and killed the Prime merging the techs of the Prime to his own.

When the death of the Prime was discovered, several groups of Prime started out to search for the Lost Primordial\'s secret base. This was a terrible miscalculation as the Prime that the Lost Primordial killed was believed to have been secretly amassing several Divergent Techs for his own.

Since all who ventured out were equal to Nominal Primes in power, all of them were killed and their techs believed to have been taken by the Lost Primordial.

 True Primes were immediately launched out and the Prime Wars began.

Several Principals under the command of the Lost Primordial catapulted to Nominal Prime levels and while their techs could not compare to sciences of the True Prime, they were too many and managed to fight the True Primes to a standstill.

The war continued on for several years and while the Lost Primordial were generally fleeing from one area to the next, the clashes that occurred led to deaths of several True Primes and many Nominal Primes.

As of this point, countless theories were made as to how the Lost Primordial managed to find the technologies to surpass the True Primes in power.  Perhaps it was because several True Primes were killed and their technology was stolen or that among the True Primes were those who betrayed us and have allowed the Lost Primordial to claim more techs. Some simply concluded that the Lost Primordial developed his own science and crafted a new Technological growth for himself.

Regardless of the theories, it was clear, that we faced an enemy that was at the Primordial level.

Finally, when the war had reached a critical point, the True Primes finally called upon our own Primordial.

The battle was extremely quick as our Primordial vastly outstripped the Lost Primordials power.

His armies and forces were easily disseminated and it was believed that his Tech Holder was destroyed.

Post War

The post-war of the Prime Wars became an extremely crucial point in our society. It was then that our system of governance has followed the same systems in place in times of old when we had one Prime King. With the defeat of the Babelians and the loss of other enemies such as the Lost Primordials, our society has never been more united.

The rules in place to avoid another possible Prime War were in place. One of the most important changes was the abolishment of the Equality rule. It was clear that people are not equals. The Lost Primordial were not out ethical equal and thus he caused great devastations and wars.

It was then that the new Technological-Ethics, the Roles of Society was made. We are unequal. In intellect, potential, and morality. We have to accept our roles and live with it. The Planted to their places, the Pioneers to their labors, the Presiders to their positions, the Principals to their responsibilities and the Primes to their burdens.

The Lost Primordial\'s Legacy

At the end of the Prime War, the technologies that the Lost Primordial developed were lost. Almost all of his armies were destroyed in the final battle between the two Primordials.

The disappearance of this Primordial and how he simply vanished in our history without leaving anything that we can study about or salvage from his technology gave him the name the Lost Primordial.

The theories of his disappearance are too numerous to mention. The most prominent ones are that the Primordial has taken the technology of the Lost Primordial for himself. But no such science that the Lost Primordial revealed was ever found.

The alarming theory is that the Lost Primordial was the very first to have developed interstellar flight and has managed to travel through space and reached Earth right after the war. This alarming theory is supported on how the World Governing Powers has somehow been developing a system of Governance similar to our own prior to the Prime Wars and even came to the same improvements that our own race has made after the Prime Wars.

The theory is further supported when all the Pioneers we sent on Earth before World War Three were all killed with little or no evidence. Even the Pioneer who is believed to have utilized the technologies gifted to him by the Presiders claimed that Earth has a Lost Primordial.

But as of date, this theory does not hold to be true. For if it was indeed true, and a Lost Primordial has traveled here centuries ago, then Earth would be far stronger and more powerful than it should be today.

Also, Earth\'s position in the galaxy was so unique that it took us great lengths of scientific developments to even detect it. Although it would have been possible that if the fleeing Lost Primordial who was on a near-death status would have coincidentally fled to the direction of Earth, the possibilities of finding planet Earth was so minuscule that it\'s basically impossible.

And the fact that the Lost Primordials interstellar traveling capacities were questioned as he could have used it anytime during the battle but still fought against our Primordial to the point of Near-Death was also proof that he didn\'t.

As a footnote, one of the theories that we now have was that if the Lost Primordial did have the interstellar flying capability, he might have known about Earth through his constant theft of information from those of higher ranks and may have known a theoretical position of where Earth would be.

One of the reasons why the extermination of the three religions, Jewish, Muslim and Christianity is among the plans of the Presiders is because of a certain story that both Jews and Christians believe in. This story is similar to the origin legends of our own race and could easily tie up and explain several parts of our history and the families that we know began the civilization age of our race.

Although the story is mainly believed by the Jews and Christians, the Muslim groups also believe in a similar story. And because the existence of this story could be used as a way to paint our race in a different fashion than holders of these religions will be inclined to go against us, the elimination of these three groups has become one of the priorities as ordered by the Principals back home.


This report is awfully biased and one-sided.. How can someone become a Primordial by stealing techs? This doesn\'t make sense.

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